Icom IC-765 For Sale

View Current Icom IC-765 transceivers For Sale
The Icom IC-765 transceiver, despite its price, isn't an ordinary radio. This is also probably
the best deal you'll find if you're looking for a good used ham radio that actually packs a lot of
performance. It great for picking up distant stations and its selectivity is superb. For those that
don't know much about this models history, at one time, this used to be one of the top of the line HF rigs made by
the company and its receiver performance still holds its own against many of the new models out in the market
today, costing three times as much (if not more)! So you're getting a lot of value by buying one of these in
the used market today.
Many that are new to the hobby may not know about this good find, but if you do your research you'll find that
this model has some great receiver specs and despite being made in the 80s, it still beats the pants off of many of
the newer transceivers out there at the moment costing three to four times as much!
The Icom IC-765 is also fully functional HF rig and does have a general coverage receiver so it's great for
listening in between the bands and shortwave stations as well. It's AM mode also sounds clean and
clear too. In addition to it's great specs and general coverage receive, it also has dual digital VFOs, 99
memory channels, and a built in antenna tuner, which really makes it a steal for the smart buyer. I've
had two of them, so I can't recommend them enough if you don't have the money to buy an expensive new Amateur
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